About Frequency Sessions, Frequently Asked Questions, and Links


 What are Frequency Sessions?

Frequency Sessions include a combination of modalities, aiding in one’s physical, emotional, mental, and if you are so inclined, spiritual re-membering. These modalities are forms of biofield therapy, in which I use non invasive techniques to stimulate responses in your energetic (bio-electric and magnetic) field using frequency. There is a great deal of scientific support for the use of biofield therapies and frequency for a wide variety of conditions, including, but not limited to, depression, anxiety, pain, headaches, pms, fatigue, and nausea. Theses sessions can also be very impactful for integration of other forms of deep soul work. Your journey provide an opportunity for you to experience a session channeled specifically for your energetic needs. Most importantly, they can empower you to access your innate capacity for self compassion, truth, empowerment, and wholeness.


Energy Work

In our sessions, I use Reiki, along with other alternative and complementary modalities, to create an environment for the self tuning of your biofield. Reiki is a Japanese energy technique that aids in deep relaxation, as well as one’s physical, mental, and spiritual healing and holistic harmony.



Sound is a gentle biofield therapy in which I utilize voice, instruments, and/or music for your therapeutic benefit. Sound therapy is based on the scientific principle of frequency, however, it has been used for thousands of years in healing traditions all around the world.



Nature is our greatest healer. Aromatherapy, which uses aromatic natural extracts to promote well being, may also be used in your integrative sessions.






What happens during our integrative session? During our session, you will lay comfortably on the table, fully clothed. I will incorporate elements of various biofield therapies including Energy Work, Reiki, Sound Healing, Aromatherapy and Ayurvedic Scalp Massage. I will work on your biofield to help restore balance and harmony in the energetic field in and around it. This may be done by hovering hands above body or using gentle touch with consent (though this is NOT massage). This may be done with the use of therapeutic instruments and my own voice to recalibrate the body’s energy field and frequencies. Aromatherapy may also be employed, if the client so wishes, to enhance the session. You may feel a variety of physical or emotional sensations, or none at all. Any experience you have during our session is for your greatest and highest good. Some clients have emotional release, some experience pleasant calming sensations, some see colors and experience sounds, some take a nap they desperately need. Some cry, some giggle. Some move and some are completely still. All are expressions of healing, specific to each person.

How long is a session? Sessions are 1.5 hours long, from beginning to end. I am sure to schedule enough time for you to come back to earth so to speak, gently, and with time for us to reflect on your experience. The majority of the time is on the table, and with what time is left, we discuss your interpretations of the session, as well as tools for integrating your experience into everyday life.

What should I wear and bring? Please wear comfortable clothing. If you are coming after a haircut, please bring a change of hair free clothes to wear during your session. If you find it very hard getting comfortable without a very specific pillow, you may wish to bring your own.

How should I prepare? Please come well hydrated so that all frequency will be best able to travel through your body. For the best balancing of energy, I recommend abstaining from alcohol for 24 hour prior to your session. In addition, refrain from large amounts of caffeine the day of. Note that these sessions are gentle and non invasive, however, they do require time for rest and integration afterwards. As such, I recommend planning on taking it easy for the rest of the day to relax and enjoy some personally grounding and nurturing activities. Most importantly, come with an open heart, and an open mind.

What should I do after my session? As noted above, please preserve time after your session to rest and harmonize your experience. You may wish to sleep, journal, dance, be in nature, create, meditate, talk to a friend, or each nourishing grounding foods. Creating this space post session allows you to integrate and fully absorb messages, visions, feelings, and healing. Also, do stay hydrated! As our bodies are instruments of frequency, water helps frequencies in sessions travel where needed.

I am or am not religious/spiritual. Are these sessions for me? Frequency sessions are available and beneficial to all, regardless of belief, background, spirituality or religion (or lack thereof).

What does suggested donation mean? When booking, you may notice that the monetary session exchange is listed as a “suggested donation”. I firmly believe that access to this work should be available to all people. As such, if you are unable to pay the suggested donation, you may pay what you may. Please ask!

What does gratuity free mean? Gratuity, or tips, are not accepted.

Where do you donate a percentage of my service exchange? Though it varies, we (you and I!) usually donate in our local community to organizations that support nature, the arts, and healing. Please stay tuned on social media to see where we’re donating to next!

Can I book a hair appointment and a frequency session together? Absolutely. If you need help booking, please reach out.

How often should I come for a session? Every person is different. Some wish to come weekly, some wish to come monthly, some wish to come as needed. It really depends on what your desires and goals are.



If you love science like I do!